Wednesday, December 23, 2009
All the fun and excitement of Christmas has hit our house! Were almost ready and everything is just about wrapped. Its been alot harder to get into the christmas spirit this year. we like to decorate right away, listen to music and watch all of our chirstmas movies to help us get into the festivities. this month we were away from our house for a week and a half and so we didnt have our "little" traditions to do all month. so we are now all ready and in full blown christmas mood! Also we have been so excited to watch one of our family member get a chrsitmas miracle, that has really helped kick off the christmas spirit for us! Our own little one is rapidly growing. The heartbeat was 155-160 yesterday. It was so neat to hear! I cant wait for our next appointment to hear it again so it will be a little more distinct. All is well with "it" and the pregnancy seems to be right on track. Our due date got bumped back a bit : july 13th. At first i was bummed out cause i wanted it to be sooner but now its gonna give me some more time to prepare. We will book our ultrasound at the next docotors appointment and then we will find out what the gender of this little one is.. Hope everyone is doing well and has a VERY merry christmas.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Okay so i have been trying to be patient and hold this in for as long as i can.. but im starting to burst at the seems (literally). drum roll please...... dum dee dum .... Were expecting a BABY the first week of July! We get to hear the heartbeat in a week and we'll find out our exact date. I couldn't wait any longer to tell! I did last until we were 12 weeks along tho! This is the best Christmas present for us!
Friday, December 11, 2009
I thought i would share some of my events from this past week, while babysitting 4 boys for 11 days:
-david does funny accents when he reads.
-ammon, tyler and david made brownies today in a microwave!
-they love the snow ( all 10 mins that they played in it, didnt last long ).
-why did the "everything" cross the road? to get eaten by the dinos on the other side (ammon).
-sugar is a bad idea!
-why did the orange go to the doctor? he didnt "peel" well. (david)
-a little boy (8 years old) ate a whole advent calender in 5 mins.
-ammon sleep walks.
-breakfast is either eggos or cereal. nothing else tastes good.
-we all get cabin fever when its minus -50 with windchill
-i taught bryan who his favourite auntie is ME!
-ammon thinks im cool.
- david loves to give out "i love yous"
- tyler has a contagious giggle.
- i didnt get anything done for christmas, like intended.
- dishes for 6 people is a constant struggle.
- coming up with cooking ideas for picky eaters is hard.
- each child cries at least once a day. even if it is over a mitten not being found.
-dont leave your make-up out if the door isnt locked.
-ammons voice when he reads is hilarious!
-david does funny accents when he reads.
-ammon, tyler and david made brownies today in a microwave!
-they love the snow ( all 10 mins that they played in it, didnt last long ).
-why did the "everything" cross the road? to get eaten by the dinos on the other side (ammon).
-sugar is a bad idea!
-why did the orange go to the doctor? he didnt "peel" well. (david)
-a little boy (8 years old) ate a whole advent calender in 5 mins.
-ammon sleep walks.
-breakfast is either eggos or cereal. nothing else tastes good.
-we all get cabin fever when its minus -50 with windchill
-i taught bryan who his favourite auntie is ME!
-ammon thinks im cool.
- david loves to give out "i love yous"
- tyler has a contagious giggle.
- i didnt get anything done for christmas, like intended.
- dishes for 6 people is a constant struggle.
- coming up with cooking ideas for picky eaters is hard.
- each child cries at least once a day. even if it is over a mitten not being found.
-dont leave your make-up out if the door isnt locked.
-ammons voice when he reads is hilarious!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Blog Stalking... we all do it ... right?
Okay so its blizzarding outside, bryan is down for a nap and the boys are coloring. So why not Blog Stalk?! So i found some new ideas for christmas thanks to a few new blogs.. It just happens you look at a blog and see another one so then you go to that one that looks fascinating and then another... its just a viscous cycle. CHECK THESE OUT! enjoy!
12 days of christmas ornaments.
cuegly ornaments . . miniture sleighs.
fresh poppy ornaments.
Just some fun ideas to craft some holiday love..
12 days of christmas ornaments.
cuegly ornaments . . miniture sleighs.
fresh poppy ornaments.
Just some fun ideas to craft some holiday love..
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Busy Busy Busy!
We have been so busy and loving it (at least that's what we tell ourselves). Dave is now officially accepted to the college and we got accepted for student loans. its been a huge blessing how smooth all the paperwork is going. Dave is absolutely excited to go back to school. Holiday hours have started so the crazy mall begins! I get to miss the first week and a half of December's hustle and bustle in the mall. Dave an I will be babysitting our 4 nephews while the parents go on a cruise. i dont know why we didnt tell them they should just take us and find different babysitters. :) It will be good for us, a crash course in parenting. Thank heavens for a wonderful hubby who helps all the time. Just wanted to update our busy lives before the christmas craziness starts!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
a wonderful week.
Life has just been a delight this week. we have received so much good news in our family and extended family. We got a surprise visit from mike & mel, it was nice to show them our house. We are almost all decorated for chirstmas! Its nice to come home and have the christmas tree lit up and feel the christmas spirit all ready. The cats are loving the tree too ( not in a good way ). Hair is becoming crazy at home, which is good keeps us on our toes and busy! Just wanted to give an update of your busy lives!
Monday, November 2, 2009
N O E L . . .
So i decided to get crafty today and attempt doing the letters noel. I found the best blog thanks to laura on a bunch of tutorials. i tried my own attempt and changed things to suit the products i had. i learned that a glue stick is not the best, use an actual wood glue. i bought it from the dollar store and found its awesome. has a thickness to it that makes it better to adhere. this isn't the picture i had in my head but the dollar store didn't carry the flat letters so i tried to create my own with letters that have a router edged.

heres my wish list:
bow bag
framed monogram
hip mama diaper bag ( no im not announcing anything )
heres my wish list:
bow bag
framed monogram
hip mama diaper bag ( no im not announcing anything )
i got new shoes last week.
i wear them everyday.
rascal loves to chew on them.
they are super comfy.
we are in love with them.
i wear them everyday.
rascal loves to chew on them.
they are super comfy.
we are in love with them.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
an old shelf becomes new.
our lastest reno..
we decided to take our dvd shelf and transform it into a nice display/ shelf for our dvds.

we decided to take our dvd shelf and transform it into a nice display/ shelf for our dvds.
The shelf on the right of the TV.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
my new do.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
rascal is growing up so fast!
well tomorrow we will have had rascal for 8 weeks now and here is his growth spurt. its hard to tell how big hes getting but if you look at the 2 pictures with hands in them that should help compare sizes. we just love this little guy to pieces!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
i would die for that.
this you tube video is very sad. if you watch it be prepared to have kleenex. my sister in law shared this on facebook and i watched it and just want to share it.
Monday, October 12, 2009
we are thankful for . . . .

we are thankful for . . . .
one another.
owning a home.
having jobs.
our kitties.
the gospel.
a microwave.
comfy couches.
our big tv.
clean air.
free country.
our talents.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
the eventful day.

3am: Cub & Rach have a baby girl. Lauren Lois Wolff 7lbs 3oz.
7am: off to the ER to be diagnosed with pneumonia.
3:00pm: Mike & Mel have a baby boy. Mason Michael Atwood 10lbs 7oz.
what a day! we wanted to go see Mike & Mel but we couldnt with me being contagious. Congrats you guys! cant wait to meet all these babys coming into the family. thats now 4/5 of the coming this year. only Leilani is left and shes due dec.21.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
daves new blog.
Dave has started his own blog:
Check it out!
Check it out!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
my big brother!

This is a post about one of my heros. this goofy picture is of my older brother. were four years apart so when he was graduating i was in my "im so cool im 14" stages. for any of you who are spaced that far apart you know that you dont go to high school together or junior high. so needless to say during high/junior school years we weren't super close. it was after he returned from his mission and i was just graduating that we were able to become best friends. my parents moved to arizona right after i graduated so it was only me and darren in lethbridge. he was the best brother a little sister could have had! he helped me get to know lots of people in YSA ( that big scary world ). he showed me how to be me. darren was always there through all my ups and downs and yet showed be through example of the way things are. sorry this is just such a blab but he had a quote on his status today that really hit home for me and just made me come to miss him so much as him and his "2 cuties" are living in saskatoon.
heres that quote:
"the differnce between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life you're given a test that teaches you a lesson." Lately this quotes really hit home.
Thanks darren for being such a wonderful example and big brother. love ya so much!
Heres darren and his family now..
heres that quote:
"the differnce between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life you're given a test that teaches you a lesson." Lately this quotes really hit home.
Thanks darren for being such a wonderful example and big brother. love ya so much!
Heres darren and his family now..

Thursday, September 17, 2009
i have no title.. im lame.
Heres my nice puffy/swollen smile! This is taken about 5 days after i got my wisdom teeth out. somehow i still look stoned!
heres ME! with my new extensions and color.. i know i know. i have been saying im gonna grow out my hair and get to my natural red hair. i cant help it. its a terrible addiction, i know i should quit!
this is what we do for fun! ROCKBAND! this is my brother-in-law Roger.
heres our babies im sure everyone thinks were obsessed. they are now sleeping next to one another and playing! woohoo! it was scary at first they didnt get along. they are constantly making us laugh. rascal (kitten) is so playful! he is such a spaz (in a good way). bowie (the grey chunkster) would be a good mouser if we let her outside. she talks to the flies and makes such weird noises. we always get asked if there is a baby in the house, nope its just bowie boob. what a terrible nick name, and thats only for a cat. our poor kids.
Friday, September 4, 2009
i am a chimpunk...
Well yesterday was the BIG day. All 4 wisdom teeth were extracted. We had thought i was being put out, like completely asleep. HA! No it was just IVS, big surprise to me when i woke up and became conscience half way through! thankfully i had awesome dental assistants to help me calm my hyper ventilating and going into shock. they had to help me get my heart rate down before they could finish. it was the worst thing ive ever heard or felt. i could hear them cracking my one tooth because they couldnt get it out. GROSS! then i could feel lots of the pressure and my mouth had started to unfreeze on the right side. poor dave could hear me in the waiting room crying and asking why i was awake? I am so grateful that the drugs have not made me crazy or have any hallucinations. yesterday went fairly well besides the fact my arms and legs were tingly and the left side of my face stayed numb 12 hours longer then it should have. i was nervous because the dentist had never heard of anyone having numbness in any other areas besides the face. but all is well. im starting to look like a chipmunk but i feel awesome and am being spoiled like crazy from dave! just giving an update! thanks for all the phone calls or emails of concern!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
the niche...

I am SO in love with doing hair at home! Its cheaper, more relaxing, and comfortable. Just these past few weeks I have been doing more hair at home and I have loved getting to know everyone better and to do hair out of the salon setting. Yes, I do wash hair in the kitchen sink for colors but if you don't mind that the prices are less than half of what you pay for at the salon! We just bought our first place and I now have more room!
The days I that TRY to work are:
Mondays - 9am-7pm
Tuesdays & Wednesdays - 7pm-10pm
Saturdays - 9am-7pm
It never hurts to just message me and ask if any other time works. I'm pretty flexible. I still work full time at Regis Salon in Park Place Mall.
Woman's cut: $20
Men's cut: $15
Children's cut: (16 and under) $10
Solid color $35
Half head foils $35
Full head foils $55
Solid and foils $75
Perms $50
Special on right now:
With a color right now your haircut is 50% off.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
the newest addition to the family: RASCAL
Dave and I had been discussing over the past couple of weeks to get a friend for Bowie. We looked a little and then never said much after that. Monday when I got home from work Dave came out to see me with a little kitten.
(his head is way to big for his body and his ears are huge with his beady eyes.)
Dave had told me that a lady had emailed him asking him if he was interested in a cat still? Dave replied that we had been thinking about it and if he could come see the kitten. Rascal was just dropped off at a dog kennel service on the door step. He maybe weighs 1 and 1/2 pounds. Dave was sold when he saw him!
Rascal is insanely cute but so underfeed that we knew we could help! You can feel his spine and ribs he is so skinny. Its been quite the adjustment for Bowie. Its been a challenge for us to figure out how you take 2 cats from separate lives into one. We are slowly learning what we need to be doing and what we shouldn't be doing!
This is our 2 cats, whom we adore as I'm sure everyone can tell! We are so excited they are both awesome with kids and both are little trained!

Dave had told me that a lady had emailed him asking him if he was interested in a cat still? Dave replied that we had been thinking about it and if he could come see the kitten. Rascal was just dropped off at a dog kennel service on the door step. He maybe weighs 1 and 1/2 pounds. Dave was sold when he saw him!

Saturday, August 22, 2009
one of those moments... where the world seems perfect..
*turn this song on in the background while you read this.. (helps set the mood)*

*if you like that song check out regina spektor's fidelity.
you know when you have that moment where it seems nothing can go wrong? where everything seems just absolutely perfect and your in a movie? this weekend has been one of those moments, all 48 hours! there was nothing special about the weekend but we just have been able to spend every minute together. we got to work together today selling corn and went on a date last night, some how this just set me off all day thinking WOW! I feel like im in a movie. you know when you see a movie and your like "oh if only life was really like that". i seem to get those moments when i watch chickflicks! haha anywho.. ive just been thinking how if we just step out of our life and look at who we are and where we are life is always one of those moments! not always a moment we will be proud of or a moment where we feel our world is crashing. somehow we just always make it through and have the chance to reflect and see why? i dont know how much this is all making sense but im just having one of those days where you dont want it to end, hence why i am up at 12:30! things have been wonderful for dave and i this past month. life is going by WAY to fast! we have almost been married a year and a half! we are love owning our own home! i mean the extra bills aren't super exciting but SO worth it! we have been doing little reno's here and there. i can not wait to paint, but i feel maybe i should wait till im unpacked before i create more of a mess! we got a super cute cat. She is our little bowie boo ( she is so not little, she is on a weight loss diet ) whom we adore to pieces. poor cat gets talked to like shes a human, she must think we are insane. shes such a blast to have around even at 3am when shes tries to cuddle up and is actually walking on my ribs and waking me up! preparing us for parenthood i know!
*if you like that song check out regina spektor's fidelity.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
our busy lives..
July 1st. CANADA DAY: Dave and i both worked that day. He called me at work and said he was gonna pick me up from work. i thought this was a little unusual but didnt think anything more of it. when he picked me up he said he wanted to go for a walk at Indian battle park. i was complaining that i was SOO hungry and i just wanted to get home. so he made up an excuse of why we need to go down there. while we were walking around we somehow ran into my family who were all having a wiener roast. what a surprise! it was such a fun birthday party! im so spoiled by dave. i dont know how i didnt ruin the surprise because i tend to ruin everything thats a surprise. thanks to all the family that came it was such a blast!
July 3rd. RENAE DEANNE ROBERTS: Congrats to Darren & Laura!
July 4th. CAMPING IN WATERTON: We headed out friday afternoon and came home saturday night. it was a short trip but a great birthday. we both just love to escape from the city!
July 13th. THE FIRST LOOK: Randy Miller showed us a property he had for sale at about noon. its 956 sq ft, 2 big bedrooms, 1 bath. huge kitchen/dinning room. at about 1pm we went to see if we were preapproved for the mortage. at about 3pm we found out we are preapproved. at about 7pm we put an offer on the house. the offer is accepted. whohoo!
July 21st. CONDITIONS LIFTED: we found out the mortgage is all gone through!
July 23rd. LAURA'S BABY SHOWER: I threw a shower for my sister in law at Lei Lani's house. it was alot of fun, im not much of a games person so we just mostly ate and visited. everyone was oooing and ahhing at all the pink presents! i learned how not to make marshmallow foundant! next time i wont attempt that on the same day as the event.

July 24-26. ROBERTS REUNION: Lei Lani and I planned the reunion for the summer. this all started back in december when my uncle from NM said he would come up if we planned a reunion or some kind of big get together. then it just kept going and plans started to happen. it was alot of planning and alot things to do and remember to make it all happen. we tried to keep things fun and not to structured. the biggest hit of the whole weekend was skit night. i wish the battery hadnt died to the camera so you all could see what we all saw. my uncle came running into the hall with shorts and a grass skirt on. some people had to show us how they would light their farts on fire. just so many things i could say about the weekend! it was just so much fun to have everyone together. im glad my aunt has decided to do this in 2 years, it will be a nice tradition.

July 31- Aug 2. BREAKFASTS, BABY BLESSING, BBQ: Friday night we were out to magrath for a luau reception, with real Polynesian dancers! Saturday i worked and then right after it was upto cardston fir a family BBQ. that same night we headed upto chestemere to stay over at darren and lauras. Sunday morning we were able to be there when Renae was blessed. then we headed back to lethbridge to grab some things. then back out to mountain view. Monday morning dave took his nephew out fishing and then we all headed to the camp kitchen for a breakfast.
August 3rd. OFFICIAL HOME OWNERS! Its now all official we own the house and papers are signed all the fees are paid, every things accepted!

sorry for such a lengthy blog but its been so busy trying to move in between all these events and still both of working full time. its been a blast already owning our own home. there's been ups and downs already. at least am i lucky enough to have a handy man who can fix leaky windows and dryer vents! i already have the paint chips out and want to paint. i guess we should finish moving before we start all that fun.
July 3rd. RENAE DEANNE ROBERTS: Congrats to Darren & Laura!
July 13th. THE FIRST LOOK: Randy Miller showed us a property he had for sale at about noon. its 956 sq ft, 2 big bedrooms, 1 bath. huge kitchen/dinning room. at about 1pm we went to see if we were preapproved for the mortage. at about 3pm we found out we are preapproved. at about 7pm we put an offer on the house. the offer is accepted. whohoo!
July 21st. CONDITIONS LIFTED: we found out the mortgage is all gone through!
July 23rd. LAURA'S BABY SHOWER: I threw a shower for my sister in law at Lei Lani's house. it was alot of fun, im not much of a games person so we just mostly ate and visited. everyone was oooing and ahhing at all the pink presents! i learned how not to make marshmallow foundant! next time i wont attempt that on the same day as the event.

July 24-26. ROBERTS REUNION: Lei Lani and I planned the reunion for the summer. this all started back in december when my uncle from NM said he would come up if we planned a reunion or some kind of big get together. then it just kept going and plans started to happen. it was alot of planning and alot things to do and remember to make it all happen. we tried to keep things fun and not to structured. the biggest hit of the whole weekend was skit night. i wish the battery hadnt died to the camera so you all could see what we all saw. my uncle came running into the hall with shorts and a grass skirt on. some people had to show us how they would light their farts on fire. just so many things i could say about the weekend! it was just so much fun to have everyone together. im glad my aunt has decided to do this in 2 years, it will be a nice tradition.

July 31- Aug 2. BREAKFASTS, BABY BLESSING, BBQ: Friday night we were out to magrath for a luau reception, with real Polynesian dancers! Saturday i worked and then right after it was upto cardston fir a family BBQ. that same night we headed upto chestemere to stay over at darren and lauras. Sunday morning we were able to be there when Renae was blessed. then we headed back to lethbridge to grab some things. then back out to mountain view. Monday morning dave took his nephew out fishing and then we all headed to the camp kitchen for a breakfast.
August 3rd. OFFICIAL HOME OWNERS! Its now all official we own the house and papers are signed all the fees are paid, every things accepted!

sorry for such a lengthy blog but its been so busy trying to move in between all these events and still both of working full time. its been a blast already owning our own home. there's been ups and downs already. at least am i lucky enough to have a handy man who can fix leaky windows and dryer vents! i already have the paint chips out and want to paint. i guess we should finish moving before we start all that fun.
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