Monday, March 30, 2009
one more down, one more to go.....
we got the phone call today that lets us know when dave does his polygraph. its on april 13th in calgary and when he passes the polygraph then hopefully we find out when depot is. hopefully we find out soon!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday night Dave and I headed into fairmont, we arrived at around 10. After driving around for a little while and eventually calling to see where we needed to go we found the check in office. It was quite confusing. We get to our suite and its beautiful! It was so nice it was only a little smaller then our place! haha! Friday morning i was so excited to sleep in.... BUT ha no that was not going to happen i got a phone call at 7:30am, why the heck did i not shut my ringer off??? Friday morning it was off to the time share meeting it was only suppose to be 2 hours but it went on for over 3 hours we felt guilty know we weren't going to be buying one but oh well, we still loved our trip! Also we got a gift certificate to use at the gift shop and since there wasn't a whole lot of manly items i got spoiled! Family picture frame and candles. Then we headed back grabbed our swim gear and headed to the hot springs. i dont know if im just a real blonde but i thought "hot springs" were an actual spring of water that was warm. it is in a way but just in a pool thats outside. kinda threw me for a loop! it was still nice to just relax, everyone was super friendly and im not the most comfortable person in a pool but we had a blast! Friday night we just relaxed and watched a movie. Saturday dave headed up the hill to go snowboarding and i stayed back at our suite to read and just soak in the tub... that tub was HUGE! ours now is so small so this one seemed like my own personal swimming pool! Then we headed off to invemere that afternoon, this was my favourite part of the whole trip! Invemere is only 20 min away from fairmont. Its a tiny little town but with all the coolest shops and it was a beautiful day for just walking so we spent all afternoon just browsing and shopping! I found my new favourite scrapbooking store! We stopped at Sobeys on the way out and got some appetizers and headed back and just hung out and relaxed. Sunday we were up bright and early again to be checked out by 10am (oh and p.s. i didnt sleep in saturday at all i got a phone call at 7am again obviously i didnt learn). We were off to Banff! it was lightly raining so everything was foggy and it was so gorgeous driving through all the curvy roads. We stopped in radium at the hot springs they are sooo nice there! We arrived at banff and couldnt remember the name of our hotel.. oops! Luckily the first one we found was the right one! it was super nice. We walked around banff all afternoon and into the evening there is so much to see there! it was up early again ( you can tell i wasnt too impressed that i never got to sleep in once eh?) due to construction! It was off to Calgary that morning. we went to fort Calgary and dave got to put on a red surge and dress up like an RCMP officer ( he was like a kid in the candy shop). we were slightly disappointed but i think we will go back in th on season and hope there is more to do. On to my favourite store IKEA... no matter what even if you dont need anything some how you come out with something, not that im complaining! one day, one day when i own my house david will never let me in there! then we were home and back to work bright and early!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
one more down, 2 more to go..

well dave just passed his pare test this afternoon! he had to do it in under 4:20 and he did 3:32! so very proud of him! now we just wait to find out when his polygraph is and then they do a background check. THEN ITS DEPOT! still waiting to find out when that is? just wanted to update everyone! thanks again for everyone being so supportive!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
the gym.. as a couple?
dave and i went to the gym tonight as a couple! haha it only took me a year! i like to go by myself and i actually decided i would let dave talk me into going together. we went tonight and i really enjoyed it! who woulda thunk it? i only walked for an hour ( 3 miles! ) and dave did weights and then walked/ran next to me on the treadmill. it was a nice little get out of the house date!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
getting anxious and scared all at once....
well since dave passed his interview i have had everything hit all at once! its going to be an adventure thats for sure! the part that hit the most is that when he was in his interview the one officer said that its best while hes gone to depot that we see as little of each other as possible. so i wont be too big of a distraction to him. i have been doing really good and just telling myself it will be okay, 6 months go by fast! all weekend i have been thinking oh my! daves going to be gone for 6 months! thats a long time! what am i gonna do with myself? how will handle all this? its hard too because its constantly in my head and being thrown at me from the people i work with. im trying to be strong but for those of you who know me know that im just an emotional stresser! sorry to all those who are reading my pity party but it just felt so good to type out all my worries and it makes me feel less crazy when i read over it. i keep thinking im so crazy i shouldn't be so upset about him being gone its for us and it will be good for us in the end. plus i get overwhelmed that in less then a year we could be who knows where?! i have to have a plan and know when, where, how and what! so this is good its shaking up my world and teaching me to learn to live as things come!
Friday, March 6, 2009
he did it!!!
dave has official passed the RCMP interview! the toughest part of the process. we are now over half way! sorry its just a quick blurp but it was a VERY long day at work and im ready for bed!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
tomorrows the big day.....
dave has his interview tomorrow!!! hes been working hard and studying! its going to be a grueling 4 hour interview! i know i wouldnt be able to handle it! hmmm.. what else is new? oo well we havent had a computer for a week and so as sad as it may be i felt lost i didnt even know how to do banking without my online banking.. how did people live before internet?? im so glad to be back in the loop of facebook and blogging.. lifes been great! nice that the salon is slowing down, at least i thought it would be! i get a little stir crazy not being busy ( so if you need your hair done come in!!! ) well i better jet to bed! ive been crazy tired lately but loving that i leave for work with the sun out and return with the sun still out! cant wait for spring!!
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