im a very shy person and get so nervous about being confronted about the church or even just simple questions.. i get worked up and soo nervous that i will say the wrong thing or not express things in the right way.
i work in an environment where im the only one with religious beliefs. the past 2 weeks have been tougher with that because they were drinking at a staf meeting and i just didnt appreciate that and thought it was unprofessional ( maybe thats just me? ) any who, alot things were said about mormons from me not approving this. so i never said anything i just have been laying low i didnt want to start anything and make things a bigger deal. LAST NIGHT i had a client who asked me if i was mormon and i joked.. " is it that obvious?" she just laughed and she said no you just said awhile ago you said you teach at church and i assumed you were mormom, no one else goes to church every sunday and does that voluntarily! oh how i already loved her! she asked question after question last night and she even said that she doesnt understand why anyone would persecute some for their religious beliefs! the best part was that the whole salon was quiet nd everyone was just sitting in their chairs so everyone was listening to our conversation. she asked what i think is the biggest thing that people find the strangest and turns them away. she asked about drinking, caffeine, and smoking. then with out her knowing what had happened in the salon for the past 2 weeks she was like.. i have a drink maybe once a year, people should judge me for that, its my own decision. she just kept asking questions and im soo soo excited because im going to send the missionaries over to her house. im so shy so usually when i get asked i just shy away but that spirit just helped me out so much and helped me awns er everything to the best of my ability! plus i think everyone was listening and i think she put them in their places without even knowing it!
another random tid bit... i have 4 /6 sister that are prego and so thats exciting then i got a phone call and now have 6 sisters with a dodge caravan! haha! all 5 sisters on daves side and lei lani and max just bought one... i guess i will have to be the rebellion one and get my SUV!!