Saturday, January 7, 2012

a saturday kind of day

i have our meals planned for next week, this a big deal. so im gonna pat myself on the back and tell dave to give me a hi five. i detest meal plans. mostly because i detest cooking, ask anyone about my love for it. last years new years resolution was to TRY to love to cook. i found new recipes and i tried them. i tried lots im proud of how well i did. do i love cooking now? no i don't but im trying too. with our family's year goal of "getting healthy" i knew it would be time to step up my cooking even more. so meals plans had to come out.
so they have and it inspired me to get more organized with just about everything. my week planning got a make over. my hair calender is by itself and that should help. i printed off free labels and it took over my closets.

the pictures are taken with my phone, so not the best quality but you get it!
 our new "budgeting" jars.
 labels for scrapbooking
 sorted through my craft supplies
 labeling the all the electronics
 weekly menu planning
 weekly family plans (why its upside down i have no idea?)
the niche hair calendar

i don't normally put a lot of thought into new years but this year dave and i did. into personal, financial, and family goals. our biggest goal is taped to the our mirror and says:

here's an awesome site to label your stuff. you can even type into the labels! i discovered this after i had written mine all out!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! Oh, I just love organization, and seeing all your wonderful labels and lists made me very happy :)
