The boys have really been using their imaginations this week. Its so fun to listen to what they come up with. Levi has been calling Will, Smee and Levi pretends hes's Hook. They sword fight and run and hide under the trampoline from the "pirates". They've been playing so well, its been fun to watch.
Levi has learned to "pump" his legs on the swing and is quite excited about it. I just love that swing. Levi had his Kindergarten assessment yesterday and I walked out with my cheeks hurting, I just couldn't stop smiling. He is sooo ready for kindergarten. They told us to expect to be there 35-45 mins, we were out in 15 mins. He just could do everything that they asked. We were so proud.
Our friends gave us this play house and Will loves to cook us food in it. Levi has a hidden rock collection hiding in there.
I feel like maybe by next summer I'll have relaxed enough to just let the boys run around without me having to constantly watch. We now have cows in the pasture behind us and the corrals in our yard. And the boys CAN'T seem to leave them alone and I have panic attacks that they will crawl into the fence and I won't know it. Slowly... slowly I'll be able to loosen up.