I don't even know where to begin, our lives have gotten so insanely busy. It makes me sad blogging has become one of the things I have had to "let go" while running my business. It's almost been a year again since my last post. I was religious at blogging for 6 years and then, boom the business happened and every-things changed in our lives. GOAL: to do a quick update every Sunday night.
We now live in Calgary, we just moved in July + I thought I had prepared myself for the drastic change from the acreage. Nope, I still find myself a little shocked at some things and missing the acreage immensely. I can't get used to having so many people near by too, and it doesn't help we have some serious weirdos living on the one side. We've woken up a few times to them having fires at 3am and burning random stuff (clothes, bike parts...) Luckily on the other side we lucked out with some really great neighbours with 2 boys, (6 + 4) and our kids get along great. But watching our boys meet so many new friends and to always be outside playing with friends has been great. There's been some awesome older boys who play basketball with Levi all the time.

Our business will be 2 in November + we get asked ALL the time when we're gonna push it to go bigger. Truth is, I don't feel the need yet. Its going at the perfect pace for our family, and we've chose not to put our kids in daycare. So at this point, this is as fast as we can go with them being home with me. Dave started building a CNC router that will help us expand our business + really help saving time + money. Its about a week away from being done! EEEKKK!
We had a miscarriage in March and although we weren't expecting to have more babies it broke our hearts. From this process we've discovered we'd love to have more babies in our home and want to start fostering babies. We started the process last month and have our screening appointment in a couple of weeks. We've prayed so hard and just feel like this is something we're suppose to do. Were well aware of how crazy our lives already are and how emotionally draining this will be, but nothing will prepare us for it, just like motherhood. Nothing prepares you but gosh we know we have a great home and so much love to offer these babies before they go to their forever homes.
Lucy is TWO. Seriously, already. Breaks my heart how fast she's growing. She is already full toddler with lots of sass and attitude. She loves to sing, dance and play mommy. She is allllll girl + after two boys we still can't get over the cuteness. She has a fierce love for dogs and all animals. She is quite shy still + if a stranger tries to talk or look at her she gives a pretty good glare....
Will is FOUR and although we couldn't justify paying for preschool right now, (almost 3x the price in Calgary) we've been trying to do preschool at home. After walking Levi to school we try and practice 2 letters or numbers together and then a matching game or a craft. He's still our wildest kid + yet the snuggliest. He writes really well + is very smart. He'll be ready for kindergarten for sure next year. He's been riding a two wheeler all summer + LOVES biking.
Levi is SEVAN and it still boggles me every time his birthday comes, how is my first baby this old! Levi's in a grade 2/3 split class + we can't wait to see the advances he makes. He finished grade 1 reading + writing at a grade 4 level and math at a grade 3 level. We're excited that it will allow him to be challenged and participate with the grade threes in his class. His new school is HUGE, 600+ kids in K-3. But he loves it and adjusted way better than we hoped. He is always surprising us with his bravery.
Our business will be 2 in November + we get asked ALL the time when we're gonna push it to go bigger. Truth is, I don't feel the need yet. Its going at the perfect pace for our family, and we've chose not to put our kids in daycare. So at this point, this is as fast as we can go with them being home with me. Dave started building a CNC router that will help us expand our business + really help saving time + money. Its about a week away from being done! EEEKKK!
Dave is still up at base for work + LOVING the no commute thing, hello hubby home more. The biggest reason we moved into the city. He's often biked actually (32km round trip) so I have a vehicle some days. He has taught himself so much this summer building the cnc router, I think we both underestimated what that entailed. But he took on this project like any other project he does and ran with it. Constantly teaching and reading and watching youtube videos. He got called as the deacon advisor in our new ward and works with the 11 year old scouts too. He's excited for a scout camp this weekend. Dave works all day, comes home and then works for our business till the late hours of the night with me. He's often doing Uber Eats too, and words can't express how grateful I am. I have never met someone who works so hard for his family.
I'm busy with the business + the three kids. Excited + terrified to start fostering. We've prayed so hard about this and I feel so determined that this is journey that my hearts been prepared for. I always wanted to be a social worker and have talked about going to school for it after the kids are in school full time. I think its going to be the hardest + most rewarding thing our family will have done. I totalled our van in July and we still haven't replaced it + its been a big trial for me. I can't stand not leaving the house all day. But between paying two mortgages and building the cnc router we've just had to cut back. We're praying so hard for that lethbridge house to sell. Its been one headache after another + caused a ton of stress over the years. I just got called to teach the 4/5 year olds at church and am excited but also to be honest a little worried about meeting new people in our ward. This move has for sure been the hardest on me than anyone else. Its been an adjustment spending my days all home with no car and knowing no one.