okay i admit i cried the first time i heard this song. for those of you who know me might know im a taylor swift groupie...groupie as in a big fan! also my best friend Kaylee Gardner is a huge Coldplay fanatic and got me hooked in high school. this song just rushed so many memories to me and i cried i full out admit i cried to a song! just wanted to share this...
a weekend of family fun!
Last week i worked so hard! im tired of only making minimum wage so im determined to make commission (regis sets a very high standard). So i worked about 48 hours last week and just kept working and taking in walk ins. so i was just dead by saturday night and looking forward to our weekend of family. Dave an i babysat on saturday for the olers and had a blast! Sunday was our last sunday teaching in the 11th ward so we had a little primary movie/party/lesson with our 4 year olds. That was fun. So im gonna brag a little here: so im not much for a cook but sunday morning i made muffins for breakfast, cookies for church and 2 pies for desert for mothers day whew! At 5 we had family over for mother's day and Darren and Laura came down for dinner and surprised my mom. We made roast beef, mashed potatoes, vegetables and there were salads... yum! then pie for desert. Monday is my day off so i conquered 3 loads of laundry and then went to the olers and took over the movie bolt to distract the kiddies. We got supper going and got the cake baked. it was so nice to just help mindy and have such a good chat. shes a saint and doesnt even know it! also i got to add this story in:
when i got to the olers i just put my purse on the couch and went to the kitchen, i was peeling potatoes when ammon walks in with my glasses on and mindy tells him to put them back and stay out of my purse. i told him that other peoples glass can hurt your eyes. then david comes in with my sunglasses on, again.. go put them back! mindy jokes.. now i know that i will have to keep my door locked for when i move in. then david comes back holding a compaq tampon in each hand and ask "auntie nysha what are these?" haha i just started laughing. again mindy tells him to go put those back. Mindy and i had a good chuckle over that. you can tell i dont have kids yet.. im not use to these funny little stories happening all the time.
so that night we went to bryans 1st birthday party! it was fun and so cute to see him so curious and gentle with the cake. then tonight we went and hung over at britany and lawernce's house before going to see wolverine. it was nice to go over there we havent hung out with them in awhile. dave and i enjoy it so much! they have 2 adorable children and britany allows me to quiz her with a million questions about kids, babies, and being pregnant (and NO im not.. in case you were gonna ask...). anywho thats our weekly update! it was such a fun weekend. now we need to get our butt in gear and get packing!
P.S. if anyone has any extra boxes, we would love them... we move in 2 weeks and dont have enough boxes...