Monday, January 27, 2014

crazy week & weekend.

Tuesday I decided to phone some realtors and meet with two of them to see who we'd like to hire. I met with two of them. One I really liked and one I wasn't a huge fan of. The one I didn't like as much told me as he was leaving he might have someone interested, I thought it was one of his tactics to get us to pick him.
Well he wasn't kidding! He asked Friday if we could show the house Saturday. Um ok! We haven't picked ya yet, but sure!

Wednesday we got a call to see if we could take Will for his surgery Friday morning instead of the middle of February. YEP! Lets do this! Dave luckily can take Family Sick Days and was able to come home and help me with it.

Wills surgery went well! He's such a happy kid that he did so well, he was kind of out of it when he woke up. He didn't want to nurse but he chugged down a bottle and was back to his happy self!

Saturday we cleaned all morning, our house was spotless! The realtor showed it and told us it showed well, and to look for an offer early next week. Then Sunday he asked if we could do a February.1 possession date... Uh as in 6 days?? If need be, yep we can do that chaos!  I'm trying to not get my hopes up, but oh I am so hoping we get an offer!

Its been crazy and chaotic but we will take it! So keep your fingers crossed for us!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

10 Months {Will}

The kid with all the faces.

sleeping sooo  much better (up only 3x a night)
napping like its nobody's business
becoming a picky eater 
good at demanding moms attention (hint: screamer)
walking furniture like a pro
crawling- goes about a foot and then looks for furniture to walk 
6 teeth
gets into everything - learned to open up cupboards and drawers
doesn't like homo milk
gives high fives
shakes his head no
This is where Will is 50% of the time.. getting himself to the couch to be able to walk where ever he can.

I can leave him in the living room and find him in my room about 5 mins later (thats the other end of the house).

 Like I said. the kid with the best faces.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

1.5 weeks and still going strong..

I dont know what virus we have going around our house but it can leave anytime.. its been brutal!

Will got croup Christmas Day and that lasted till Dec.31. Then he started getting a cold Jan. 2 and then ear infections Jan.5th. (one trip to ER and a trip to walk in clinic)

I got sick Dec. 29 with a nasty cold that we believe to be phenomena or bronchitis, I didn't have the best doctor at walk in clinic. Got an ear infection Jan.6. (two trips to walk in clinic)

Levi got a fever Jan.3, not a just your head is hot fever, the whole body is burning up fever. Jan. 5th Dave took him to the ER cause Levi's eyes were burning and he started vomiting. The Dr. is assuming its a viral form of what Will had.. that I had.. that now Levi has. His fever broke Sunday night and started back up yesterday afternoon. (a trip to the ER)

I can't believe how long all this has been going and that Dave hasn't caught it. He took a sick day yesterday and stayed home to help. Thank goodness! On top of all this craziness we showed the house twice Saturday and once yesterday (and 3 no-shows in the last week).   FINGERS CROSSED!!

P.S. for all the prescriptions we've been given this week I am very grateful to have benefits!